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New York State Annual Report 2023: Section 11: Operating Receipts

Data and Instructions for completing the New York State Annual Report.

Ground Rules for Receipts Section

  • This reporting reflects ONLY money ACTUALLY received by the library.
  • Report amounts actually received, do NOT include accruals for anticipated income.
  • The value of endowments, investment accounts or existing assets SHOULD NOT appear on the financial report. Report only investment income deposited into the Operating Fund.
  • Do NOT estimate receipts for any item furnished free, such as rent, free utilities or volunteer help.
  • Grand Total Receipts must equal Grand Total Disbursements in both the Operating Fund and Capital Fund.
  • Round numbers to the nearest dollar.

What Goes Where?

Question # Title What to Report
11.3 Local Library Services Aid (LLSA) Only LLSA receipts.  LLSA is paid by the state through the system.  It arrives in two installments- 90% and 10%. 
11.5 Additional State Aid Received from the System Legislative member item funds (bullet aid)
11.7 Other Cash Grants Grant funds received through the system, including outreach mini-grants
11.9 State Aid other than LLSA, Central Library Aid, or other State Aid reported as system cash grants Funds received directly from the state - not passed through the system (construction aid goes here).  Add a note to identify funding source(s).
11.15 Fund Raising Include income from major fundraising activities or events.  Book sale revenue goes in 11.18.
11.16 Income from investments Include interest and earnings on investments and endowments deposited into the operating fund
11.18 Other Other miscellaneous revenue including book sales, cafe sales, equipment rental, insurance recoveries, etc.
11.23 From Other Funds Principal transferred into operating funds from investments and endowments
11.25 Beginning Balance The funds in the bank at the beginning of the year.  Must match ending balance of previous year's report (12.39)