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New York State Annual Report 2023: Section 1: General Library Information

Data and Instructions for completing the New York State Annual Report.

General Library Information

Most of the questions in this section are pre-filled by New York State.

  • 1.37 - 1.44 Library Director/Manager - If your library director. manager has changed, 1.37 - 1.44 will be affected.
    • Generally speaking, library directors have library degrees and managers do not.

Budget Votes

Questions 1.46 and 1.47 relate to votes on library budgets.

If your library held a budget vote in 2023:

Answer Y to question 1.46 and complete sub-questions 1-6.3 

Answer N to question 1.47

If your library did not hold a budget vote in 2023, but has funding from a vote in a prior year:

Answer N to question 1.46

Answer Y to question 1.47 and complete sub-questions 1-6.3  Note: The sub-questions for 1.47 often appear on the next page of the report.

Unusual Circumstances

Answer Y to question 1.49 and add a note if unusual circumstances from the past year will affect library statistics.

Examples include natural disasters, major construction/renovation, flooding, massive weeding, etc.

The state recognises that COVID has had a major impact on libraries.  Only answer question 1.49 if the library experienced unusual circumstances outside of the pandemic.