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8.6 - 8.9 Minimum Open Hours
- Report the minimum weekly total scheduled public service hours for the reporting period.
- A “minimum week” is a week in which the library is open its fewest regularly scheduled hours, and contains no holidays/special events. Include seven consecutive calendar days, from Sunday through Saturday, or whatever days the library is open during that period.
- Extensive hours closed to the public due to natural disasters or other events should be excluded from the Minimum Weekly Total Hours even if the staff is scheduled to work.
8.10 - 8.13 Annual Open Hours
- Report the total annual public service hours for the reporting period.
- Annual Total Hours must equal the sum of question 15 for all outlets listed on Part 9.
- Minor variations in scheduled public service hours need not be noted.
- Extensive hours closed to the public due to natural disasters or other events should be excluded from the Annual Total Hours even if the staff is scheduled to work.
- If the library does not have branches (multiple outlets), Q8.13 Annual Hours Open should equal Q9.15, Public Service Hours Per Year for this Outlet.