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New York State Annual Report 2023: Section 9: Service Outlet Information

Data and Instructions for completing the New York State Annual Report.

Outlet Information

Use this section to report on your public outlet.  Libraries with branches should fill out one section for each branch.

If the library does not have branches, 8.13 Annual Hours Open should equal 9.15 Public Service Hours Per Year for this outlet.

Hours Open

For these questions, extensive weeks closed to the public due to natural disasters or other events should be excluded from the count even if the staff is scheduled to work.

Question 15 Public Service Hours per Year for This Outlet – This is the number of annual public service hours for this outlet only. Include the actual hours open for public service.   If the library does not have branches (multiple outlets), Q8.13 and Q9.15, should be the same.

Question 16 Number of Weeks This Outlet is Open – This is the number of weeks during the year that this outlet is open to the public. Include the number of weeks open for public service. If the number is not 52, add a note explaining why.

Internet / WiFi Connections

For Questions 28-31, use the chart below.

For Question 33 (WiFi sessions), contact Automation for help in obtaining your numbers.