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A guide to the New York State Public Library Construction Aid Program

Welcome & Overview

Welcome!  This guide is a collection of information needed to develop and submit an application for funding to the Public Library Construction Aid Program.

The application portal is open!

PROCEDURE CHANGE: Do NOT submit FS-10 forms with your initial application.  Wait to print and sign them (in blue ink) AFTER the official award notification has been received from DLD.

  • Minimum project cost is $5,000
  • 50% local match is required
    • Libraries that serve an economically disadvantaged community are eligible for a reduced local march (25%)
  • Expenses incurred after July 1 of the application year are eligible, but the project must not be completed before the application due date
  • Projects for buildings that are 50 years old or older, must receive clearance from the NYS Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).
  • Libraries that do not own their buildings must provide documentation of a minimum 10-year lease or occupancy agreement

4CLS's allotment for 2024-2025 is $1,221,937!!   (The highest ever!!)

Intent to Apply Form

Program Priorities

  • Increased effectiveness of library service due to increased and/or improved building space and capacity
  • More efficient utilization of the library building resulting in such economies as energy conservation and increased staff efficiency.
  • Improved access to and use of building services by all library users, including those with physical disabilities
  • Provision of library services to geographically isolated or economically disadvantaged communities

Timeline - Updated for 2024

Construction Aid Application Timeline - (review schedule is approximate)

  • May 13- Construction Aid Webinar - View Recording
  • June 7 - Intent to Apply Forms due to 4CLS
  • June 17 - Preliminary award notices sent
  • Mid June - Application Portal Opens
  • September 6 - Applications due (through portal)
  • Sept-Oct - 4CLS review of applications
  • October - March - DLD review of applications
  • April- August - DASNY review of applications
  • August-September - Official award notices sent
  • September - October - 90% of award sent directly to libraries
  • Work must begin 180 days after official notification

This timeline includes several rough estimates.  The DLD and DASNY reviews occur on their own schedules.

4CLS Webinar

NYS Library Webinar (2024)

4CLS Guidelines & Procedures

4CLS Director