When a state of emergency is not in effect the following rules govern videoconferencing of public meetings:
- A quorum at a single physical location is required
- Under “extraordinary circumstances” a board member may participate from a location not open to the public
- “Extraordinary circumstances” include, but are not limited to, disability, illness, caregiving responsibilities, or a significant or unexpected factors that preclude attendance
- To invoke “extraordinary circumstances”, a library must hold a public hearing on the subject and then pass a resolution authorizing the use of videoconferencing during extraordinary circumstances
- Board members using extraordinary circumstances to join a meeting remotely from a non-public location may participate in the meeting and vote, but they do not count towards the quorum
- If a library allows public participation at the physical location of the meeting, and a board member is using ‘extraordinary circumstances’ to participate remotely, the public must be allowed to participate remotely.
- The minutes must reflect which board members participated remotely
- Meetings conducted using ‘extraordinary measures’ must be recorded. The recording, or a link to it, must be posted on the website within 5 business days and stay there for 5 years
- The recording must be transcribed upon request
- During the meeting, all board members must be heard, seen, and identified
- Teleconferencing is out, except for executive session
- If public participation is allowed at the physical location, public participation must be allowed remotely as well
- The in-person requirements do not apply during a state of emergency declared by the Governor
- Or a local state of emergency declared by the chief executive of a county, city, village, or town